Thursday, December 18, 2008

The truth and nothing but...

The truth and nothing but...

Can definitions of words be clear-cut?
It's all very well to search for hard-and-fast truths but is it possible in a world filled with ambiguity, asks Laurie Taylor in his weekly column for the Magazine.

I had a university tutor in psychology who was popularly known as Doctor Dit. For a couple of terms I assumed along with my fellow students that this was an innocent nickname. But then one day I was told by a postgraduate that it was really an acronym. It was not DIT but DYT and the letters stood for Define Your Terms.

It was a very appropriate designation. Whereas other tutors would positively encourage some debate in their seminars, the man known as DYT would immediately bring any such discussion to a halt by a demand for definitions.

It was not unlike being repeatedly hit over the head. "Right. Taylor, what is the value of optical illusions in the study of perception?"

Laurie Taylor
Hear Laurie Taylor's Thinking Allowed on Radio 4 at 1600 on Wednesdaysor 0030 on Mondays

"Well," one would begin, "When your eyes are deceived it could be that the deception is the inappropriate application

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