Is it selfish to have more than two children?
By Margaret Ryan BBC News |
Parents who have more than two children are "irresponsible" for placing an intolerable burden on resources and increasing damage to eco-systems, says a leading green campaigner.
Curbing population growth through contraception must play a role in fighting global warming, argues Jonathon Porritt.
This week, the Optimum Population Trust (OPT), of which Mr Porrit is a patron, launched its "Stop at Two" online pledge to encourage couples to limit their family's size.
Siobhan Freegard, Netmums website |
Mr Porritt said earlier this month: "I think we will work our way towards a position that says having more than two children is irresponsible."
He is not advocating a compulsory limit but told the BBC that couples should "connect up their concerns with the natural environment with their decisions as prospective parents".
"Every additional human being is increasing the burden on this planet which is becoming increasingly intolerable," says Mr Porritt, who runs the government's Sustainable Development Commission.
Each extra person in the UK emits around 11 tonnes of carbon dioxide per annum, he argues, but he warns population is a subject even some environmentalists think too controversial to discuss.
The total fertility rate - the number of children a woman is expected to have in her lifetime - reached 1.90 in the UK in 2007, meaning 190 children were born for every 100 women, according to the Office for National Statistics. UK fertility rates have not been this high since 1980.
The UK population alone is expected to increase from 61 million to 77 million by 2051 but the OPT believes the UK's long-term sustainable population level may be lower than 30 million.
"The more couples decide to have just one or two children, or even remain childless, the more they can relieve pressures on rapidly deteriorating ecosystems and alleviate demand for dwindling energy and food resources," says policy director Rosamund McDougall.
If women in the UK stopped at two children, this would cut the UK's forecast population by an estimated seven million by 2050, the OPT suggests.
But for mother-of-five Rosie Whitehouse, green issues did not play a part in her and her husband's decision to have a large family.
VIEW FROM A MOTHER OF SIX Emma Quinton, 41, from Brighton, has six children ranging from 22 months to 10 years 'I never wanted this many children. I wanted babies. They got to a certain age and I wanted another. I love newborn babies' Would consider having a seventh but worried about money and the emotional toll 'We would have started earlier and had more' Benefit of a large family is that they learn to share and they do their bit for the planet by never flying long-haul |
"Life isn't as simple as that," says Mrs Whitehouse, a former journalist.
"For most women the environment doesn't figure at all. I was making programmes about global warming when I became pregnant with my first son, who is now 20, and it didn't enter my head," she says, although she can understand why Mr Porritt feels justified in raising the issue.
"I didn't think about money and what it was going to cost either. I just had this romantic idea," she says.
Mrs Whitehouse, 47, who works full-time and lives in London, queries whether larger families necessarily place a greater burden on the environment.
"Money is important so you don't buy ready-made meals. I cooked up cauldrons of soup."
'No more toys'
And just because you have five children "it does not mean you have five times the amount of plastic toys," she says. "You just have to say 'no more'."
She has four children still living at home aged 18, 15 and the twins aged 10 and says they are environmentally aware. But she does not believe green issues will be uppermost in her daughters' minds when they come to think about having a family.
Being one of four children means sometimes you need to escape |
"Pregnancy is introspective. It is a selfish time, especially when you first find out, " she says.
It's a sentiment echoed by mother-of-three Siobhan Freegard who says environmental considerations aren't even on the radar when couples think about how many children they want.
"If you polled mums and asked them for 10 reasons why they would not want more children the list would include money, sleepless nights and the strain on relationships," says Ms Freegard, of the online parent network Netmums.
The bottom line would certainly seem to focus the minds of many parents, judging by recent research. The average cumulative cost of raising a child from birth to the age of 21 is about
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