Monday, January 26, 2009

Creating a world class gallery

Creating a world class gallery

The Mona Lisa made from slices of burnt toast created by Emma Green

THE BIG IDEA 60 seconds to change the world
Can a simple idea help make the world a better place? Each week we ask a guest to outline an idea to improve all our lives. Here, curator and cultural historian Augustus Casely-Hayford, argues we should all own a part of cultural history.

Let's create a list of world heritage objects.

These are things that are so important to telling our story that henceforth they can't be bought, sold or truly owned by any single person, individual, or nation.

I hope that these objects would be on display in major institutions but very occasionally I would like to see them tour.


Part of being on this list would be that they have to get out beyond the nation that had custodianship of them to other places.

Also, possibly once every four years there would be a bid by a nation to host particular bits of this - like a sort of cultural Olympics.

They would bring bits of this collection together and we would all have the pleasure of seeing them.

Also, I would hope that one part of this would be that, that nation would be left a really world class gallery.

Augustus Casely-Hayford is a curator and cultural historian.

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