Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Download the Magazine's 2008 annual

Download the Magazine's 2008 annual

Comes in two sizes
Paula Lewis' winning cover design
Santa doesn't only come at Christmas - the Magazine has donned a fluffy beard and red suit to hand out a New Year present to you all - our downloadable, easily print-out-able and read-where-you-like-able Annual.

Contained within its pages are answers to such pressing questions as how do avatars have sex? What is kosher chicken? Is it legal to shoot pigeons? - questions which arose from notable events* over the past 12 months, and answered by the Magazine's Who, What, Why? feature.

Paula Lewis

We are also proud to unveil the winning entry by reader Paula Lewis, pictured right, in our competition to design an eye-catching cover. Her design was selected by Matt Jones, the original designer of the BBC News website.

But wait, there's more. As a special bonus feature, our Annual also includes a Who, What, Why? inspired crossword by reader Caroline Wallis, one of the short-listed entries.

WHO, WHAT, WHY? 2008
In two formats:
Most computers will open this document automatically, but you may need Adobe Reader

So get your copy now. It's available in either normal A4 format (25 pages), or - if you can do double-sided printing - in handy compact size (seven pages). For added fun, why not send us a photo of you reading it. Either e-mail with the subject MAGAZINE PDF, or text your photo to 61124 from the UK, or +44 7725 100100 internationally. Click here for terms and conditions.

*Those significant news events again: the couple who met on Second Life and then split after his online affair, that moment in The Apprentice when Sir Alan Sugar rumbled Michael Sophocles' claim to be a good Jewish boy, and the pigeon cull at Wimbledon.

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I've got mine printed off in booklet format ready to read on the train home and then pass on to fellow travellers - can't wait!Dr Toes, Carharrck

Brilliant stuff. Congratulations to Paula and Caroline (although couldn't the crossword answers be on another page - it's far to easy to accidentally read them, even upside down).DS, Croydon, England

That front cover is sooooo much better than my feeble attempt.Stuart, Croydon

Worth the wait. Well done all.Pix6, Vienna, Austria

Absolutely brilliant - and I only came across it be accident. Have passed on the link to others who I know will enjoy it too.Alison, Brighouse, West Yourkshire

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